
Fostering friendships among all Americans

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”Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Campaigns and Projects

"Success is a journey, not a destination. It requires constant effort,
 vigilance and re-evaluation." Mark Twain

- Fostering friendships among all Americans by bridging the cultural and religious gap by hosting open houses, peace picnics, cultural events and peace conventions.

- Encouraging Muslims, Arabs and South Asians to overcome their post 9/11 fear and provide a chance for fellow American to know them.

- Educating fellow Americans about the plight of Muslims, Arabs and south Asians post 9/11.

- Creating a safe, secure, peaceful, prosperous and harmonious America , where everyone feels at home.

- Defending civil liberties and constitutional rights for all.

- Building nationwide genuine alliances, coalitions and partnerships with like minded groups by providing them support for issues that are important to them.

- Working towards a comprehensive immigration reform.

- Voter registration, civic education and non partisan/multi ethnic candidate forums.

- Encountering Islamophobia through nonviolence methods and peaceful social activities to change the negative image of Islam and Muslim.

 - Providing expert speakers to educational institutions, workplaces and places of worship to enhance knowledge and understanding about Islam, Muslim, Arabs and South Asians.

 Pending due to lack of funds and staff:

- Spreading goodwill and the spirit of Islam by delivering flowers from Muslim, Arab and South Asian weddings to the long term senior patients and senior centers.

- Spreading goodwill and the spirit of Islam by delivering food from Muslim, Arab and South Asian weddings to the soup kitchens.

Multifaith youth leadership summer camp

Objective: To enhance understanding and mutual respect among our future generations.

    AMV Foundation’s summer multifaith leadership youth camp aims to provide participating young adults with training from professionals in the fields of activism, community building, volunteerism, leadership, mediation, nonviolent conflict resolution, public speaking and civic education. This program will run on a bimonthly basis.  The retreat includes a special multifaith service day to introduce youth from all backgrounds and walks of life, as well as ongoing activities, post retreat, for them to know each other better.

From fear to friendship: Replacing the culture of despair, division and violence with a culture of hope, inclusion and peace.

A monthly multifaith dialogue to provide social contact for mutual learning about each others cultures, customs and religion, which would lead to promote better understanding and peace in our country. From Fear to Friendship is AMV Foundation’s interfaith and intercommunity pilot program that will aim to establish better understanding and to form lasting relationships among all Americans. From Fear to Friendship’s objective is to unite all Americans under the umbrella of common humanity. The program will require commitment of at least one year. All participants will meet with AMV Foundation’s twelve-member Community Building Team for three hours on a monthly basis. One hour will be spent on formal discussion; topics of interest will be selected by the group during the first meeting. The educational hour will feature formal presentations, discussions and a Q&A about different religions and the topics selected by the group.  The rest of the time will be spent on socializing to foster friendships. The program will be limited to 18 participants and a facilitator. Surveys and interviews before and after will provide participants opportunities to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.

Travel Around the world without a passport

We have learned that not everyone feels comfortable participating in interfaith dialogs. We are answering to our fellow Americans needs by creating non religious quarterly social and educational program for fostering better relationships among different ethnicities. It is through social interaction among us that we will step out of our comfort zones to lend a hand and voice to the targeted voiceless communities. We have been kept away from each other too long.

Above all we are all human beings with so much more in common than we realize. We need to focus on what binds us rather than what divides us.

By meeting and forming friendships we will be better able to support each other on the issues that are impacting our lives.

During these gatherings we will share our heritage, food, poetry, music, hopes & dreams, our joys, sorrows and our issues. We will create a peaceful beloved community, where all of us will feel accepted, cherished, safe and at home.

Next Step from the inter faith/ inter community dialogue

Each one teaches one
Part 1. AMV Executive Director thanks Fellow American friends for their support

Each one teaches one
Part 2. We have a new campaign

Each one teaches one
Part 3. Appeals to all fellow Americans for their support

Helpful hints for building bridges with Arab and Muslim Communities